How KFTD Applies Anti-Corruption Strategy in Its Management System

PT Kimia Farma Trading & Distribution (KFTD) as part of Kimia Farma Group has been consistent in applying an anti-corruption system in its business options. One of them is to make sure that the company follows transparency and integrity as standard practices. One way to do this is by implementing Good Corporate Governance (GCG) principles at work.

How to Apply Anti-Corruption Management Style

KFTDโ€™s corruption prevention starts from various departments in a company. The anti-corruption principles are applied in the system, which consists of these practices:

  • Educating the employees and leaders alike about the acts of corruption and bribery.
  • Creating a thorough, anonymous report system for a special campus unit.
  • Conducting investigations toward any reports of corruption and bribery.
  • Conducting thorough internal audits and evaluations about the companyโ€™s commitment to eradicating corruption.

The corruption prevention programs are conducted at all important departments within KFTD. They include accounting, finance, marketing, logistics, distribution, and IT.

Corruption Reporting System as GCG Application

One of the concrete ways to apply the GCG principles within the company is through its dedicated reporting system.

Using a special report form, anyone within KFTD can easily report any acts of bribery or corruption. They can print the form or attach the digital version to an email. Employees can attach any files of proof they have to support the reports.

Once the report is received, the designated unit will respond immediately. They will gather the accounts and conduct thorough observations and even interviews. Once they are done, they will inform you and make sure that the consequences (if proven) are realized.

The application of an anti-corruption system within various departments in the management system is a practical way to adhere to the GCG principles. KFTDโ€™s corruption reporting system would also allow employees of all levels to be more responsible and perceptive about any misconduct.

Applying the GCG principles is one of the solutions for KFTD to stay at its level; a company commits to applying integrity and transparency in its business processes.